
So that his son, Danny, could properly take over the reigns at S. Lucas, Sam went to Florida, USA, where he formed a company, Sam Lucas Corp in 1998. To do the same thing in Florida was not an option - the market is based on cheap labour and is mainly tourism and housebuilding with few commercial projects.Sam decided, therefore, to become a developer of one-off, high specification houses and soon fell in with an experienced contractor, Charlie Rock, who is now Sam’s Management Contractor.The current project, Sam’s third, is a 5000 sq. ft. custom-built house on Manasota Key on the Gulf Coast. The house has direct access to the baywith boat dock and all, and over the road is a private beach - ‘it really is paradise’ says Sam.This stretch of the Keys boasts a host of famous residents, including Stephen King, Oprey Winfrey and Bobby Vinton (of Blue Velvet and Roses are Red fame). The project is due for completion in November when Sam hopes to undertake two similar projects on the same Key. Although resident in Florida, Sam is in almost daily touch with Danny and is still involved with some aspects of S. Lucas Ltd. He comes ‘home’ about four times a year ‘for a good pint’.

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