
Lucas is very proud to announce that we have now passed three and a half million hours of safe working without a reportable accident or incident. We have not had to report a RIDDOR incident to the Health and Safety Executive for six and a half years.

The reason for our great safety record is that health and safety is a number one priority at Lucas. It is emphasised every day from the top of our organisation and is strictly monitored and practiced out on site by our safety managers and embedded in our daily working practices

We regularly receive sites-based awards from our clients for our safety record, and won Construction News’s health, safety and wellbeing award in November.

“Safety as standard” in our daily regime forms part of our Workforce Engagement Programme. We adhere to a comprehensive safety training programme and closely monitor every operative’s competencies, qualifications, safety awareness and upskilling.

We avoid accidents because operatives are encouraged to report and photograph “near misses” on site with our smartphone app that automatically feeds back the information to our safety leadership team to analyse, spot trends and learn from the experience.

“We promote safety as standard very strongly”, said Danny Lucas, “so to pass yet another milestone is super recognition for the fantastic work of our health and safety teams.”

Lucas UK Group

11 Invicta Business Park, London Road,
Wrotham, Kent, TN15 7RJ
United Kingdom
Registration No: 07395451
Registered in England

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